(a) Informs its members of all matters regarding leasing.
(b) Examines the provisions (laws, decrees, ministerial decisions, decisions of monetary authorities) regarding leasing and their impact on Greek leasing industry and its members.
(c) Develops and defends industry positions and submits to the state authorities detailed proposals for improvements in leasing industry and for the successful realizatiion of its objectives.
(d) Cooperates with the authorities for any matter related directly or indirectly to leasing.
(e) Establishes uniformity in rules and procedures regarding the operation of leasing, its continuing modernization, the study of international practice and the adaptation to the Greek standards.
(f) Organises workshops, seminars, conferences and other events in order to promote leasing and inform those who are interested in it.
(g) Edits, publishes and distributes the Association’s newsletter or/and other audiovisual materials related to the Association’s object.
(h) Represents its members in Greece and in other countries so as to discuss issues related directly or indirectly to leasing.
(i) Participates in international leasing associations or organizations.